भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

बीज विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी

The Division has two institute funded research projects involving basic, strategic and applied research on various aspects of seed science and technology. 

Project 1:

Understanding the Mechanism of Seed Quality Traits Expression and Development of Seed Production Technology in Field and Vegetable Crops


  1. To study natural genetic variation for seed longevity, dormancy, germination and vigour in rice, mungbean, maize, soybean and onion. 
  2. Development of hybrid seed production technology of gynoecious and parthenocarpic cucumber and tomato.
  3. Understanding the effect of abiotic stress on seed yield and quality parameters in wheat, rice, Indian mustard and lentil and development of their suitable mitigation technology 
  4. Identification, characterization, and development of diagnostic protocols for detection of seed borne viruses in soybean and mung bean.


Project 2:

Enhancement of Planting Value Through Pre and Post Production Interventions in Agri-Horticultural Crops


  1. Exploration of the seed treatment interventions including nanotechnology for enhancing and maintaining seed quality in specialty maize, rice, soybean, onion, and tomato.
  2. Seed storage studies under modified atmosphere for seed quality maintenance in soybean, high volume pulses (chickpea and field pea) and high value vegetable seeds (tomato, brinjal and onion) 
  3. Development of protocols for testing and seed health standards for important fungal (purple seed stain in soybean) and bacterial (bacterial leaf blight in rice and tomato canker) seed borne diseases and exploring eco-friendly options for seed treatment especially against seed borne diseases of Pulses 
  4. Optimization of sieve size and type of screen for grading seeds of different crop varieties and hybrids including their parents 
  5. Development of seed quality standards in potential (buckwheat and rice bean) and medicinal (artimisia, palmarosa and opium poppy) plants

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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