भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Role of IARI in Green Revolution

In the 1960s, the Country faced the “ship-to-mouth” situation. In 1966, 30 million people in India were facing “dire distress” in getting food. But for the Green Revolution, India could not have survived the population bomb. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, was the seat of India’s ‘Green Revolution’ and “human resource development”, thereby contributing immensely to India’s food security and development. IARI continues its efforts to bring Evergreen Revolution for sustainable food, nutrition, environment and livelihood security of the country. During the last 115 years, IARI has dynamically responded to the needs andchallenges of the Nation and provided human resources and technologies to bring about a radical transformation of Indian agriculture.

More impact of IARI

  • ICAR-IARI wheat varieties contribute nearly 60 million tons of wheat to the nation’s granary worth Rs. 80,000 crores, annually. The total economic surplus generated from HD 2967 is estimated at Rs. 81928 crores (at 2018 prices) during the period of the past 10 years (2011-2020). Therefore, a large share of wheat grain produced in India comes through ICAR-IARI varieties, thus contributing very strongly towards food and nutritional security.
  • Currently, the Pusa Basmati rice varieties account for 90% of the total foreign exchange (Rs. 29923 crores) earned through the export of Basmati rice amounting to Rs. 31,025 crores. The annual economic surplus generated from PB1121 are estimated at Rs. 14707 crores during triennium ending 2018-2019 which is 12-fold more than the budget of ICAR-IARI and twofold more than the entire ICAR budget during TE 2018-19. The earnings from PB 1121 are about 96% of the total expenditure of the entire NARES (Rs. 15379 crores) during TE 2018- 19.

  • About 48% of the mustard grown area in the Country is cultivated with ICAR-IARI varieties. The total economic surplus generated from Pusa Mustard 25 is estimated at Rs 14323 crores (at 2018 prices) during the past 9 years (2010-2018), and was distributed between the producer and consumers in the ratio of 51:49. The average surplus for TE 2018-19 was estimated at Rs. 2919 crore and was allocated Rs. 1499 crore to the farmers and Rs. 1420 crores to the consumers.
 ICAR-IARI’s Neem coated urea technology is fully adapted by the fertilizer industry in India (Govt notification dated 25.05.2015) and from 1st Sep 2015, 100% urea produced is neem coated urea. On 1st March, 2018, DAC&FW has notified the MRP of 45 kg bag of urea instead of conventional 50kg bag of Urea. Thus, IARI’s Neem coated urea technology saves 5kg urea for each bag sold in the Country every year. This led to improvement in soil health, reduction in usage of plant protection chemicals, reduction in pest and disease attack and an increase in yield of different crops.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

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New Delhi - 110012
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