भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
| हिन्दी | || || |
IARI attracts students across the globe for higher earning in agricultural sciences
Dr. K. K. Vinod
Associate Dean (International Affairs)
The candidates must satisfy one of the qualifications as indicated against the relevant discipline to which admission is sought, and should have obtained a minimum of 60% marks or an overall grade point average of 6.60 out of 10.00 OR 3.25 out of 5.00 OR 2.60 out of 4.00 at the Bachelor's degree examination and a minimum of 60% marks or an overall grade point average of 6.50 out of 10.00 OR 3.25 out of 5.00 OR 2.60 out of 4.00 at the Master's degree examination. (Where OGPA is awarded, equivalence between OGPA and % marks will not be acceptable).
Discipline | M.Sc./M.Tech. | Ph.D. |
Bachelor's Degree in | M.Sc./M.Sc.(Ag.)/M.Tech./M.E. in | |
Agricultural Chemicals | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Agricultural Chemicals / Chemistry Additional Eligibility QualificationB.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Agricultural Economics | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./ Agril. Marketing and Co-operation/ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Agril. Marketing and Co-operation/Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. Dairying/ B.Sc. dairying (DT)/ B.Tech. (DT)/ B.V.Sc. & AH/ B.Sc. (Animal Sciences)/ B.F.Sc. | Agricultural Economics / Dairy / Animal Husbandry Economics/ Veterinary Economics/ Fisheries Economics |
Agricultural Engineering | a) Agricultural Processing and Structures: B.Tech. Agril Engg./ Agric. & Food Engg./ Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect./ Electronics/ Food Engg./ Process and Food Engg./ Chemical Engg. b) Farm Power & Equipment B.Tech Agricultural Engineering / Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect. / Electronics/ Production Engg. c) Soil Water & Conservation B.Tech Agricultural Engineering / Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect. / Electronics |
a) Agricultural Processing and Structures: Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Agricultural Processing Engineering/ Processing & Food Engg./ Food Process Engineering/ Dairy Engineering/ Post Harvest Technology Renewal Energy Engg. b) Farm Power & Equipment Agricultural Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Farm Machinery and Power/ Renewal Energy c) Soil Water & Conservation Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Soil and Water/ Soil and Water Conservation/ Civil Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engg./ Water Resources/ Water Science and Technology |
Agricultural Extension | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry/ Sericulture/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. Dairying/ B.Sc. Dairying (DT)/ B.Tech. (DT)/ B.V.Sc. & AH/ B.Sc. (Animal Sciences)/ B.F.Sc. | Agricultural Extension / Extension Education / Communication / Veterinary Extension / Dairy Extension / Fisheries Extension |
Agricultural Physics | B.Sc. Ag. / Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture /Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Agricultural Physics / Physics/ Bio-physics/ Agricultural Meteorology /Soil Science / Environmental Science / Remote Sensing / Geo-informatics Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Agricultural Statistics | B.Sc. Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./B.F.Sc./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./B.F.Sc./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Agricultural Statistics / Statistics / Bio-Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics / Applied Statistics Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Agronomy | B.Sc. Ag. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture | Agriculture with specialization in Agronomy / Soil Water Management/ Forage Production/ Water Science and Technology |
Biochemistry | B.Sc. Ag. / Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture /Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Plant Biochemistry / Biochemistry Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Bioinformatics | B.Sc. Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ B.F.Sc./ B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ Horticulture / Forestry/ B.F.Sc./ B.Sc. Agril. Engg/ B.Tech. Agril. Engg Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Bioinformatics/ Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology / Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Agri-informatics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Bio-Statistics with Bioinformatics as a subject Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Computer Application | B.Sc. Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Information Technology/ Post Graduate degree in any specialization of Computer Science Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Entomology | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry/ Sericulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Agricultural Entomology / Entomology / Plant Protection with specialization in Entomology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Environmental Sciences | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Environmental Science/ Agroforestry/ Agriculture/ Forestry with specialization in Environmental Science Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Floriculture and Landscape Architecture | B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture | Floriculture & Landscaping/ Floriculture and Landscape Architecture/ Agriculture or Horticulture with specialization in Floriculture and Landscape Architecture |
Fruit Science | B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture | Fruit Science/ Pomology/ Horticulture with specialization in Fruit Science |
Genetics and Plant Breeding | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Genetics and / OR Plant Breeding Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Microbiology | B.Sc. Ag./ Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Agricultural Microbiology / Microbiology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry/ Seri./ Biotechnology or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Sericulture / Biotechnology Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Agricultural Biotechnology/ Biotechnology / Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Nematology | B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Nematology / Plant Protection with specialization in Nematology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Plant Genetic Resources | B.Sc. Ag./ Horti./ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture/ Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Plant Genetic Resources / Botany /Agricultural Botany Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Plant Pathology | B.Sc. Ag./ Horti./ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Plant Pathology/ Plant Protection with specialization in Plant Pathology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Plant Physiology | B.Sc. Ag./ Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Plant Physiology / Crop Physiology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Post Harvest Technology | a) For Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops: B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture b) For Post Harvest Engineering and Technology: B.Tech. Agril Engg./ Agric. & Food Engg./ Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect./ Electronics/ Food Engg./ Process and Food Engg./ Chemical Engg. |
a) For Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops: Post Harvest Technology with specialization in Horticultural Crops b) For Post Harvest Engineering and Technology: |
Seed Science and Technology | B.Sc. Ag./ Horti./ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture/ Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Seed Science and Technology |
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry | B.Sc. Ag./ Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) | Agriculture/Horticulture with specialization in Soil Sciences/ Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry/ Agricultural Physics with specialization in Soil Physics and Soil and Water Conservation/ Water Science and Technology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) |
Vegetable Science | B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture | Vegetable Science/ Olericulture/ Horticulture with specialization in Vegetable Science |
Water Science and Technology | B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture/ B.Tech. (Agril. Engineering) | Agriculture with specialization in Water Science and Technology / Agronomy/ Soil Science/ Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Soil and water Conservation Engineering/ Soil and water Conservation Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engineering/ Water Resources Engineering/ Water Resources Management |
Minimum Age limit |
M.Sc./M.Tech |
Ph.D. |
(As on 31st July of the year of admission) | 19 Years | 21 Years |
No financial assistance or fellowship is granted by this Institute to the foreign students except such assistance that may be available to the sponsored candidates under the Cultural Exchange or Technical Assistance Programme of the Govt. of India or from the International Organisations etc. sponsoring them for the entire period of their studies at this Institute.
In addition to the above, students would be needing financial assistance for purchase of books, living allowance to meet the mess charges and other miscellaneous expenditure.
Amount (Rupees) | |
1. Registration Fee (Once in Degree Programme) | 500.00 |
2. Tuition Fee | 12000.00 (Rs.10000 for M.Sc./M.Tech.) |
3. Students' Union Fee | 300.00 |
4. Magazine Fee | 100.00 |
5. Sports Fund | 200.00 |
6. Cultural and Literary Activities Fee | 600.00 |
7. Journal Fee | 200.00 |
8. Examination Fee | 1000.00 |
9. Hostel Charges (Electricity & Water Charges) | 8000.00 (For Married Rs. 12000/-) (Actual) |
1.Comprehensive Exam Fee | 2000.00 (Rs. 1000.00 for M.Sc./M.Tech.) |
2.IARI Alumni Life Membership Fee | 250.00 |
3.Identity Card | 100.00 |
4.PG School Calendar | 200.00 |
5.(a) Thesis evaluation fee for Ph.D. | 2000.00 |
(b) Thesis evaluation fee for M.Sc./M.Tech. | 1000.00 |
Electricity & Water charge of Saraswati Appts. | As per actual |
For other than SAARC countries |
For SAARC countries |
@ US $ 4000 per annum for first 3 years | @ US $ 2000 per annum for first 3 years |
@ US $ 400 per month after 3 years | @ US $ 200 per month after 3 years |
1.Duplicate Identity Card | 100.00 |
2.Late Registration | 400.00 |
3.Transcripts* | 100.00 |
4.PDC | 100.00 |
5.Convocation Fees | 200.00 |
6.Award of Degree in Absentia | 1000.00 |
7.Duplicate Degree | 2000.00 |
8.Misc. Certificate | 100.00 |
9.Verification of Degree Certificates (For Indian) | 500.00 |
10.Verification of Degree Certificates (For foreign agency) | US $ 50 |
1. Course Applied for: | Doctor of Philosophy Master of Science Master of Technology |
2. Full Name (In Block Letters) | ………………………………………….. | |
3. Postal Address (In Block Letters) | ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. |
4. Permanent Home Address (In Block Letters) | ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. |
5. Date of Birth | ………………………………………….. | |
6. Gender (Male/Female) | ………………………………………….. | |
7. Nationality | ………………………………………….. | |
8. Country of Residence | ………………………………………….. |
Passport No. | Date of Issue | Date of Expiry | Place of Issue |
Visa No. | Date of Issue | Date of Expiry | Place of Issue | Type of Visa |
Written | Good | Fair | Poor |
Spoken | Good | Fair | Poor |
Exam/ Class Passed | Subject | % of marks | Division | Board/University |
i) Name (In Block Letters) | ………………………………………….. |
ii) Occupation | ………………………………………….. |
iii) Nationality | ………………………………………….. |
iv) Address | ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. |
i) Name (In Block Letters) | ………………………………………….. |
ii) Occupation | ………………………………………….. |
iii) Nationality | ………………………………………….. |
iv) Address | ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. |