भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Our International Students

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) has been a renowned center for higher education, attracting students not only from India but from around the globe since its inception. India's vast natural and geographical diversity has provided IARI with unique opportunities to conduct agricultural research across a wide range of climates and ecosystems, including tropical, arid, semi-arid, temperate regions, northern plains, river deltas, plateaus, coastal wetlands, and montane areas. These insights are applicable worldwide.
Students from 47 countries have pursued higher education at IARI, both in Masters and Doctoral levels, excelling in various research domains and securing prominent positions in their home countries. Furthermore, IARI alumni, including scientists, research managers, and entrepreneurs, have made significant contributions globally, with some earning prestigious honors like the World Food Prize and other international accolades. Recognized as a higher education institution (HEI) by the University Grants Commission (UGC), IARI has established an Office of International Affairs (OIA) to oversee and manage its international academic collaborations and activities.
IARI attracts students across the globe for higher earning in agricultural sciences

IARI attracts students across the globe for higher earning in agricultural sciences

IARI conducts Post Graduate Courses leading to the award of M.Sc./M.Tech. & Ph.D. degrees in the following agricultural disciplines:

  • 1. Agricultural Chemicals
  • 2. Agricultural Economics
  • 3. Agricultural Engineering (M.Tech./Ph.D.)
  • 4. Agricultural Extension
  • 5. Agricultural Physics
  • 6. Agricultural Statistics
  • 7. Agronomy
  • 8. Biochemistry
  • 9. Bioinformatics
  • 10. Computer Application
  • 11. Entomology
  • 12. Environmental Science
  • 13. Floriculture and Landscape Architecture
  • 14. Fruit Science
  • 15. Genetics and Plant Breeding
  • 16. Microbiology
  • 17. Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
  • 18. Nematology
  • 19. Plant Genetic Resources
  • 20. Plant Pathology
  • 21. Plant Physiology
  • 22. Post Harvest Technology (M.Sc./M.Tech./Ph.D.)
  • 23. Seed Science & Technology
  • 24. Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
  • 25. Vegetable Science
  • 26. Water Science & Technology

Office of the International Affairs

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) plays a vital role within the Graduate School at IARI, managing international student admissions and providing support throughout their academic journey. Beyond this, OIA actively fosters partnerships with foreign higher education institutions (FHEIs) to establish academic collaborations and facilitate bilateral student exchange programs. Indian students also benefit from opportunities to enroll in joint, twinning, and dual degree programs in accordance with University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines.
OIA is led by the Associate Dean (International Affairs), supported by a team of International Relations Officers. It serves as the central point of contact for all matters related to international education and oversees a range of key activities, including:
  • Liaising with regulatory and statutory bodies.
  • Coordinating efforts for students enrolled under collaborative agreements with FHEIs.
  • Assisting Indian students pursuing education abroad through collaborative programs.
  • Maintaining records and sharing information about international collaborations.
  • Acting as the primary support system for foreign students, ensuring a welcoming and seamless experience.
  • Conducting promotional campaigns and brand-building initiatives abroad.
  • Publishing information on academic collaborations on the institution's website and sharing updates with the UGC when required.
  • Addressing grievances of both Indian and international students enrolled in programs under these arrangements.
Who can apply
International applicants include Foreign Nationals as well as individuals holding Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) or Non-Resident Indian (NRI) status. Applicants must have a valid passport with a minimum of six months of validity remaining beyond the program's completion date.
How to apply
International students seeking admission to IARI are encouraged to apply through the Study in India portal at www.studyinindia.gov.in. Admissions can be secured either by applying directly or through Government of India-sponsored channels. Detailed admission procedures and eligibility criteria are available on www.iari.res.in
For self-supporting international students, a limited number of seats are available. Choosing IARI offers the advantage of receiving world-class education at a significantly lower cost compared to other international destinations. However, please note that IARI does not provide fellowship or scholarship support for international students.

Scholarships and Government sponsored programs

Students can secure admission to IARI through various government-sponsored channels. They are encouraged to contact the Indian Missions in their respective countries for assistance with the admission process. Preference is given to applicants with confirmed government-sponsored fellowships. Interested students should apply directly to the relevant scholarship programs via their respective official websites.
For more information contact: Associate Dean (IA), Office of the International Affairs, The Graduate School, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 1101012, INDIA

Dr. K. K. Vinod
Associate Dean (International Affairs)

Admission in IARI

 The candidates must satisfy one of the qualifications as indicated against the relevant discipline to which admission is sought, and should have obtained a minimum of 60% marks or an overall grade point average of 6.60 out of 10.00 OR 3.25 out of 5.00 OR 2.60 out of 4.00 at the Bachelor's degree examination and a minimum of 60% marks or an overall grade point average of 6.50 out of 10.00 OR 3.25 out of 5.00 OR 2.60 out of 4.00 at the Master's degree examination. (Where OGPA is awarded, equivalence between OGPA and % marks will not be acceptable).

Discipline M.Sc./M.Tech. Ph.D.
  Bachelor's Degree in M.Sc./M.Sc.(Ag.)/M.Tech./M.E. in
Agricultural Chemicals B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Agricultural Chemicals / Chemistry Additional Eligibility QualificationB.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Agricultural Economics B.Sc. Ag./Horti./ Agril. Marketing and Co-operation/ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Agril. Marketing and Co-operation/Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. Dairying/ B.Sc. dairying (DT)/ B.Tech. (DT)/ B.V.Sc. & AH/ B.Sc. (Animal Sciences)/ B.F.Sc. Agricultural Economics / Dairy / Animal Husbandry Economics/ Veterinary Economics/ Fisheries Economics
Agricultural Engineering a) Agricultural Processing and Structures:
B.Tech. Agril Engg./ Agric. & Food Engg./ Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect./ Electronics/ Food Engg./ Process and Food Engg./ Chemical Engg.
b) Farm Power & Equipment
B.Tech Agricultural Engineering / Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect. / Electronics/ Production Engg.
c) Soil Water & Conservation
B.Tech Agricultural Engineering / Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect. / Electronics
a) Agricultural Processing and Structures:
Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Agricultural Processing Engineering/ Processing & Food Engg./ Food Process Engineering/ Dairy Engineering/ Post Harvest Technology Renewal Energy Engg. b) Farm Power & Equipment
Agricultural Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Farm Machinery and Power/ Renewal Energy
c) Soil Water & Conservation
Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Soil and Water/ Soil and Water Conservation/ Civil Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engg./ Water Resources/ Water Science and Technology
Agricultural Extension B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry/ Sericulture/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. Dairying/ B.Sc. Dairying (DT)/ B.Tech. (DT)/ B.V.Sc. & AH/ B.Sc. (Animal Sciences)/ B.F.Sc. Agricultural Extension / Extension Education / Communication / Veterinary Extension / Dairy Extension / Fisheries Extension
Agricultural Physics B.Sc. Ag. / Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture /Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Agricultural Physics / Physics/ Bio-physics/ Agricultural Meteorology /Soil Science / Environmental Science / Remote Sensing / Geo-informatics Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Agricultural Statistics B.Sc. Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./B.F.Sc./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./B.F.Sc./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Agricultural Statistics / Statistics / Bio-Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics / Applied Statistics Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Agronomy B.Sc. Ag. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Agriculture with specialization in Agronomy / Soil Water Management/ Forage Production/ Water Science and Technology
Biochemistry B.Sc. Ag. / Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture /Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Plant Biochemistry / Biochemistry Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Bioinformatics B.Sc. Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ B.F.Sc./ B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ Horticulture / Forestry/ B.F.Sc./ B.Sc. Agril. Engg/ B.Tech. Agril. Engg Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Bioinformatics/ Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology / Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Agri-informatics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Bio-Statistics with Bioinformatics as a subject Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Computer Application B.Sc. Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture/ Agricultural Marketing/ & Coop./ Veterinary Sciences/ B.Tech in Agril. Engg Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Information Technology/ Post Graduate degree in any specialization of Computer Science Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Entomology B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry/ Sericulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry/ Sericulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Agricultural Entomology / Entomology / Plant Protection with specialization in Entomology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Environmental Sciences B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Environmental Science/ Agroforestry/ Agriculture/ Forestry with specialization in Environmental Science Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Floriculture and Landscape Architecture B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Floriculture & Landscaping/ Floriculture and Landscape Architecture/ Agriculture or Horticulture with specialization in Floriculture and Landscape Architecture
Fruit Science B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Fruit Science/ Pomology/ Horticulture with specialization in Fruit Science
Genetics and Plant Breeding B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Genetics and / OR Plant Breeding Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Microbiology B.Sc. Ag./ Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Agricultural Microbiology / Microbiology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry/ Seri./ Biotechnology or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Sericulture / Biotechnology Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Agricultural Biotechnology/ Biotechnology / Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Nematology B.Sc. Ag./Horti./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Nematology / Plant Protection with specialization in Nematology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Plant Genetic Resources B.Sc. Ag./ Horti./ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture/ Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Plant Genetic Resources / Botany /Agricultural Botany Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Plant Pathology B.Sc. Ag./ Horti./ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Plant Pathology/ Plant Protection with specialization in Plant Pathology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Plant Physiology B.Sc. Ag./ Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Plant Physiology / Crop Physiology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Post Harvest Technology a) For Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops:
B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture
b) For Post Harvest Engineering and Technology:
B.Tech. Agril Engg./ Agric. & Food Engg./ Mechanical/ Civil/ Elect./ Electronics/ Food Engg./ Process and Food Engg./ Chemical Engg.
a) For Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops:
Post Harvest Technology with specialization in Horticultural Crops
b) For Post Harvest Engineering and Technology:
Seed Science and Technology B.Sc. Ag./ Horti./ Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture/ Forestry Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Seed Science and Technology
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry B.Sc. Ag./ Horti. or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Alternate Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System) Agriculture/Horticulture with specialization in Soil Sciences/ Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry/ Agricultural Physics with specialization in Soil Physics and Soil and Water Conservation/ Water Science and Technology Additional Eligibility Qualification B.Sc. (10+2+3 Yrs. System)
Vegetable Science B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture Vegetable Science/ Olericulture/ Horticulture with specialization in Vegetable Science
Water Science and Technology B.Sc. Agriculture/ Horticulture or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture / Horticulture/ B.Tech. (Agril. Engineering) Agriculture with specialization in Water Science and Technology / Agronomy/ Soil Science/ Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Soil and water Conservation Engineering/ Soil and water Conservation Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engineering/ Water Resources Engineering/ Water Resources Management

Minimum Age limit



(As on 31st July of the year of admission) 19 Years 21 Years

General application forms meant for foreign nationals are available with each Embassy and Ministry of Education in each country. Foreign students seeking admission to the courses run by this Institute are required to send their applications along with certified copies of the detailed marks sheets showing the marks obtained by them at all the examinations passed by them starting from the Matriculation / High School level examination, either through the Indian Embassy / High Commission located in their country or through their respective Embassy / Diplomatic Mission located in New Delhi, duly sponsored under Government Cultural Exchange and other Technical Assistance Programmes, to the Assistant Director-General (HRD)/(EQR), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan, Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110 012 or the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001 (INDIA).
The foreign nationals who are already residents in India are required to appear in the written test in the month of April/May, for that year's academic session.
Foreign students sponsored by international organizations like the Agricultural Development Corporation, FAO, etc., are also considered for admission to this Institute, provided their applications in the prescribed form are received through the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) or the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Govt. of India, New Delhi.
The Institute does not entertain the applications sent directly by foreign nationals.

All non-agricultural graduates will have to complete prescribed courses on Introductory Agriculture before they are permitted to take regular courses for M.Sc./M.Tech./ Ph.D. programme during the first year of their residence to qualify for the degree of agriculture.
Good knowledge of English is essential. The foreign students seeking admission have to submit along with their applications, a certificate of proficiency in English issued by the Indian Mission located in their respective country.
The students are required to do both the course work and also research work.
The number of seats is 30 and preference will be given to the students seeking admission to Ph.D. degree courses. Academic Session commences from August every year. Applications from Foreign nationals for admission are accepted upto the end of June and admission is finalized before the end of July.
Although the minimum residential requirement for M.Sc./M.Tech. programme is two years and for Ph.D. programme is three years but generally, foreign nationals take 2½ to 3 years and 3½ to 4 years to complete their M.Sc./M.Tech. and Ph.D. programme respectively at this Institute.
The foreign nationals are required to be in possession of Students Visa for Post Graduate Degree Programme and Research Visa for Doctoral Degree Programme failing which they will not be allowed to join the course.
At the time of joining this Institute, the candidates are required to undergo the Medical Examination.
The candidates are required to join this Institute one week before the commencement of the session which will enable them to become acquainted with the functioning of Post Graduate School and the Campus.
Residence in the campus hostel is compulsory for all M.Sc./M.Tech./ Ph.D. students. Students are allotted single seated rooms. However, married students are provided accommodation in the married students' apartments.

No financial assistance or fellowship is granted by this Institute to the foreign students except such assistance that may be available to the sponsored candidates under the Cultural Exchange or Technical Assistance Programme of the Govt. of India or from the International Organisations etc. sponsoring them for the entire period of their studies at this Institute.

In addition to the above, students would be needing financial assistance for purchase of books, living allowance to meet the mess charges and other miscellaneous expenditure.

The sponsoring authorities of the foreign nationals/student concerned are required to pay the following dues:
Annual Fees
  Amount (Rupees)
1. Registration Fee (Once in Degree Programme) 500.00
2. Tuition Fee 12000.00 (Rs.10000 for M.Sc./M.Tech.)
3. Students' Union Fee 300.00
4. Magazine Fee 100.00
5. Sports Fund 200.00
6. Cultural and Literary Activities Fee 600.00
7. Journal Fee 200.00
8. Examination Fee 1000.00
9. Hostel Charges (Electricity & Water Charges) 8000.00
(For Married Rs. 12000/-) (Actual)
One Time Charges During Study
1.Comprehensive Exam Fee 2000.00
(Rs. 1000.00 for M.Sc./M.Tech.)
2.IARI Alumni Life Membership Fee 250.00
3.Identity Card 100.00
4.PG School Calendar 200.00
5.(a) Thesis evaluation fee for Ph.D. 2000.00
   (b) Thesis evaluation fee for M.Sc./M.Tech. 1000.00
Water and Electricity Charges (per month)
Electricity & Water charge of Saraswati Appts. As per actual
Institutional Economic Fee for Foreign Students
Institutional Economic Fee (To be paid by the foreign students who are not sponsored by the Govt. of India): Candidates sponsored by the Govt. of India with Fellowship will NOT be charged any institutional Economic Fee. However, usual fee/charges of the Institute will be payable by the candidate.

For other than SAARC countries

For SAARC countries

@ US $ 4000 per annum for first 3 years @ US $ 2000 per annum for first 3 years
@ US $ 400 per month after 3 years @ US $ 200 per month after 3 years
Other Charges
1.Duplicate Identity Card 100.00
2.Late Registration 400.00
3.Transcripts* 100.00
4.PDC 100.00
5.Convocation Fees 200.00
6.Award of Degree in Absentia 1000.00
7.Duplicate Degree 2000.00
8.Misc. Certificate 100.00
9.Verification of Degree Certificates (For Indian) 500.00
10.Verification of Degree Certificates (For foreign agency) US $ 50

* The Post Graduate School will issue a transcript free of charge only one time on completion of the entire course work included in the Proposed Plan of Work and after Qualifying Viva-Voce Examination but before completion of F.V.V.E. and at the time of the award of the degree at the Convocation. Before Q.V.V.E. / after F.V.V.E. fee will be charged

i. Library:
ii. Medical Facilities: A qualified Medical Officer looks after the health of the students, and is in Incharge of the Institute Dispensary located in the vicinity of the Hostels. The Medical Officer resides on the Institute campus and is thus available day and night. The medical service is provided free to students at the dispensary.
iii. Sports and Recreation: The Post Graduate School encourages extracurricular activities that enrich the cultural, physical and social life of students. Spacious playgrounds are provided near the student hostels and necessary facilities exist for outdoor games like cricket, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, badminton and various athletic events. There are facilities also for indoor games in each hostel. There is a Students’ Sports Fund to which every student subscribes at the beginning of each academic year.
iv. Student Welfare Fund:
v. Students’ Counseling and Placement Cell:
vi. Post Graduate School Students’ Union:
vii. Internet facility for IARI Post Graduate Students: Internet and intranet and Wi-Fi connectivity have been provided at all the hostels and guest houses for trainees and visiting faculty. The creation of this facility in students’ hostels is a step forward in the area of knowledge dissemination and awareness for establishing a healthy and productive relationship between scientists and students for overall national agricultural development. The facility is made available to IARI students free of charge. The course schedules along with contents and suggested reading are also available on the IARI intranet system.
viii. Lady Students’ Adviser: An honorary “Lady Students’ Adviser” is nominated by the Dean to look after the welfare and needs of lady students.
Contact Details:
In-Charge, Placement Cell
E-mail: placementcell[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in
ix. Foreign Students’ Adviser: An honorary “Foreign Students’ Adviser” is nominated by the Dean to look after the special problems of foreign students including general advise regarding Post Graduate School procedures and social and cultural life. A Hospitality Committee functions under the Chairmanship of the Foreign Students’ Adviser to look after the comfort of foreign students.
Contact Details:
Dr. Anil Sirohi
Foreign Students' Advisor
Division of Nematology, IARI, New Delhi
Tel. 91-11-25846626 (O), 91-1125835555 (R)
E-mail: sirohi[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in
This Institute does not conduct any courses of or upto the graduation level. Hence candidates seeking information for admission to under-graduate courses are requested to contact the Indian Embassy / High Commission in their country who will give them full information.



1. Course Applied for: Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science
Master of Technology
2. Full Name (In Block Letters) …………………………………………..
3. Postal Address (In Block Letters) …………………………………………..
4. Permanent Home Address (In Block Letters) …………………………………………..
5. Date of Birth …………………………………………..
6. Gender (Male/Female) …………………………………………..
7. Nationality …………………………………………..
8. Country of Residence …………………………………………..
9. Passport Details
Passport No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry Place of Issue
10. Visa Details
Visa No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry Place of Issue Type of Visa
11. Knowledge of proficiency in English (Please enclose the certificate issued by the competent authority)
Written Good Fair Poor
Spoken Good Fair Poor
12. Educational Qualification
Exam/ Class Passed Subject % of marks Division Board/University
13. Details about Father/Guardian
i) Name (In Block Letters) …………………………………………..
ii) Occupation …………………………………………..
iii) Nationality …………………………………………..
iv) Address …………………………………………..
14. Details of reference in India
i) Name (In Block Letters) …………………………………………..
ii) Occupation …………………………………………..
iii) Nationality …………………………………………..
iv) Address …………………………………………..
I, …………………………………………………….. hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief in the event of any information being found false/fabricated or ineligibility being detected at a later stage my candidature is liable to be rejected.
Date: Signature of Applicant
Enclosure: Copies of all the Certificates and Degrees.
Contact persons:
Dr. Anupama Singh
Dean and Joint Director (Edn.) (Acting), P.G. School, IARI, New Delhi
Tel. 91-11-25843382 (O), 91-11-25843866 (R), 91-11-25842387 (TeleFax)
E-mail: dean@iari.res.in
Dr. Atul Kumar
Associate Dean, P.G. School, IARI, New Delhi
Tel. 91-11-25846536 (O), 91-11-25843294 (R)
E-mail: atul.kumar@icar.gov.in
Dr. Anil Sirohi
Foreign Students' Advisor
Division of Nematology, IARI, New Delhi
Tel. 91-11-25846626 (O), 91-1125835555 (R)
E-mail: sirohi@iari.res.in

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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