भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Introduction to the Library

IARI Library was established in the year 1905 in Pusa Bihar, since its inception the library has been catering to the literature requirement of scientific community more than 114 years. In its early collection there were only 5000 publications which were donated by the secretary, department of agriculture. In the year 1934, due to devastative earthquake on 15st January1934. The library along with the institute was shifted to the present campus in Delhi on 29th July, 1936. As a tribute to Prof M S Swaminathan, the eminent scientist and father of Green Revolution of India, name of IARI Library re-named as “Prof M S Swaminathan Library on 29 April 2016. The library got the National status henceforth Prof M S Swaminathan Library renamed as Prof. M S Swaminathan National Agricultural Science Library.

Collection of Publication

Prof. M S SWAMINATHAN LIBRARY is one of the largest and the finest agro-biological libraries in South East Asia housing a total of 3.90 lakh plus publications including 1,43,221 books, 179 UG Books, monographs / bulletins, 1,22,101 bound journals, Loose journals 55,717 Annual Reports 14673, 16,287 post graduate theses, 8,751 Hindi books , 29,250 news letter s etc. The Library has, on its role, 1509 active members, viz., students, scientists and technical staff. It also serves about 2000 visitors every year. The Library function as the depository of FAO, IDRC and AVRDC publications and also as the National Depository for CGIAR institutes publications. The library provides Reference service, Bibliographical Services, Documentation Delivery Services, online Agricultural database services, Online E-books, Digital collection of old Thesis. The library has student facility wing / reading halls having 15 PCs with Wi-Fi connectivity and internet and e-mail facility.

Document Delivery Service

The Resource Management section of the library provides document delivery services to various users of the agriculture field through CeRA..

J-Gate Complete

Library subscribed J- Gate (Complete) Database covering 59124+ journals for 2024-25


Krishikosh provides ready software platform to implement all aspects of the open access policy, similar to ‘Cloud Service’ for individual institution’s self-managed repository with central integration. These two products of E-Granth (i) Krishikosh and (ii) IDEAL are being used by all SAUs/DUs/CUs & ICAR Institutes. 622 thesis (CDs) received in the library and up to Mar 2024, the library have uploaded 6150 thesis in Krishikosh.


Under the digitization of publications in the library total 2300 thesis were Digitized

E-Language Lab

With the help of library Strengthening program Language lab was established with seating capacity of about 50 participants to facilitate English language classes for IARI foreign/ Indian students with modern facilities like 25 computers with internet facility with projector. Time to time the language lab is also used for conducting trainings, LIS Course, summer and Winter School Courses of different divisions and Directorate for the benefit of Scientists/Technical staff.

LIS Course

The Library is actively involved in the Post Graduate teaching programme with one credit course entitled LIS library Information system for M.Sc. & Ph.D. student of all discipline. The objective of this course is to train the students to search the literature of their interest & literature search tools.


CeRA awarded IARI- New Delhi among all ICAR Institutes with “CeRA Best Usage award for North Zone 2023”


ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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