भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

बीज विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी


The Division of Seed Science and Technology has seven major laboratories for undertaking research on seed production, testing, storage and quality enhancement.

The primary research interests being pursued in the lab are seed storage physiology; seed germination and dormancy mechanisms; seed longevity and its extension methods; seed vigour and its enhancement techniques.

Presently the research work on following topics is initiated in the seed physiology lab by the scientists and students

  • Storability studies of quality protein maize
  • Studies on thermotolerance of rice at seed and seedling stages
  • Understanding the genetics of seed dormancy in rice and mung bean
  • Understanding the genetics of seed longevity in rice and soybean
  • Seed vigour and seed quality enhancement studies in pearl millet and rice
  • Role of oxygen in seed storage

In the seed molecular biology laboratory, both basic and applied research in areas like - development of protein, isozyme and DNA markers for assessment of seed purity; understanding the molecular mechanism of seed germination, dormancy, longevity and early seedling vigour are being undertaken. The lab also specializes in the application of chemical formulations for seed quality enhancement. 


The major areas of research in this lab are identifying biochemical mechanisms underlying the improvement of crop establishment through seed invigoration techniques under various abiotic stresses viz., heat, drought, salinity etc. thereby develop strategies for increasing crop resilience. Further, studies on effect of climate change particularly high temperature on seedling establishment, plant reproductive development and seed quality in Indian Canola are being carried out in this laboratory.


The major research activities in the lab include characterization and development of diagnostics for seed borne fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of cereals and vegetable crops. In this laboratory, standard ISTA recommended seed health tests are being carried out along with advanced molecular techniques.


In this laboratory, research on different seed priming approaches, including osmopriming, hydropriming, phytohormone-priming, chemical priming, nutrient priming and redox priming to boost seed vigour are being carried out. The objective is to find cheaper, practical and effective approach, leading to fast and uniform seed germination, increasing seedling vigor and crop yield especially under unfavorable environmental conditions. In addition, nanopriming of tomato seed is also being undertaken for seed quality enhancement. 


The Post Graduate Laboratory of the Division has all the basic facilities and equipments that are required to carry out various activities needed for facilitating the research activities of both the students and the faculty. The major themes of research work undertaking in this lab are seed quality assurance, seed quality enhancement, seed biology and seed pathology.


The Central Seed Testing Laboratory (CSTL) was established at IARI in 1961 with the aid of Rockefeller Foundation as the Nodal Seed Testing Laboratory which played a significant role in strengthening Indian Seed Sector by providing technical inputs for seed quality assurance. The Central Seed Testing Laboratory was relocated from IARI, New Delhi to National Seed Research and Training Centre (NSRTC), Varanasi (UP) in 2007. The Seed Testing Laboratory at IARI, New Delhi is still continuing its service / activities to the seed industry by analyzing commercial seed samples and seed samples of other research organizations apart from the research samples of scientific staff and post-graduate students of the Institute.

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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