भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Engineering
Pusa-Farm SunFridge
Pusa Aqua Ferti Seed Drill
Pusa Powered Weeder Seeder
Pusa Tractor operated Okra planter
Pusa Pre-germinated Paddy Seeder
Pusa Potato planter and inter-culture equipment
Pusa Wheel Hand Hoe
Pusa Powered Stubble Shaver
Pusa Onion Detopper
Pusa Okra Thresher
Pusa Vegetable Seed Extractor
Pusa Vegetable & Fruit Grader
Pusa Powered Winnower
Pusa Sunflower Decorticator
Pusa Rice Dehusker
Pusa Rice Polisher
Pusa Mini Dal Mill
Pusa Feed Mixer
Pusa Feed Block machine
Pusa Mobile Feed Block making machine
Pusa Fruit coring machine
pusa Pipe Bending machine
Pusa Green House Technology
Crop husbandry: Concept of growing crops on saline soils, comprising laying out of ridge and a furrow in north-west direction to minimize the heat load was developed.
Dry land Agronomy: In dry land, aqua-sowing technologies of wheat, chickpea and mustard for improved crop stand, productivity and nutirents and water use efficiency were developed.
Water management: Sunken Screen Evaporimeter for scheduling of irrigation on volumetric basis was conceived and developed. This led to the concept of IW:CPE ratio.
Fertility management: Nitrification inhibitors and slow release N fertilizers, particularly in rice, were developed and tested. Technologies for efficient use of crop residue in rice-wheat and maize-wheat cropping systems were developed. Organic nutrient management practices were developed for basmati rice and vegetable based cropping systems.
Cropping systems: Concept of relay croppinh (with 400% intensity) for temporal and spatial intensification was evolved. Soybean and winter maize was recommended for diversification of croppig system.
Weed management: Integrated weed management package for different crops was developed. Low dose of 2,4-D Na salt (250g/ha) mixed with 3% urea was found as effective as high dose of 2,4-D Na salt (500g/ha) in controlling weeds in wheat as post-emergence application.
Environmental Science
Sustainable land use systems: Several computer based Decision Support Systems (DSS) have been developed to assist in environmental impact assessment. A generic dynamic crop simulation model (InfoCrop) has been developed with sensitivity to variety, agronomic management, soil, weather, flooding, frost and pests. Another DSS has been developed to explore the window of opportunities for land use planning and food security of a region by integrating natural resource inventory, biophysical simulation of agricultural production potential, and socio-economic optimization. Third DSS-IMPASSE comprising of Geographic Information System (GIS) and the hydrologic and economic model components.
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Developed soil-test and crop-need based balanced fertilizer recommendations for field crops: In this method fertilizers recommendations were devleoped for field crops after considering NPK requirement of the crops as well as per cent utilization efficiency of crops to utilize soil form and fertilizer form of nutirent. In this technology fertilizer is adjusted according to the quantity of available nutrient in the soil and actual requirement of the crop. Application of fertilizers according to this technology givs higher yield, profit and response per unit of nutrient applied and also maintain the soil fertility of the soil which is ressential for sustainability of crop productivity
Soil test based integrated nutrient management for field crops: In this method apart from above mentioned factors, the utilization efficiency of NPK from organic source also included in developing the fertilizer recommendations. Integrated nutrient management by this method not only gives higher yield, profit and response per unit of nutrient applied but also improve the soil health and enhance productivity of the soil which is important from the point of food security in future.
Preparationof rock phosphate enriched biogas slurry for better use of rock phosphate as a source of P in normal and alkaline soils
Technique for coating of urea with calcium carbidfe as nitrification inhibitor for increasing the efficiency of nitrogen in rice-wheat cropping sequence
Developed family model for biogas plant
Developed soil test methods for determination of available nitrogen and organic carbon in the soil
Developed resin disc technique for determination of available phosphorus in the soil
Established the use of VAM for increasing the availability of soil P in rice-wheat cropping sequence
Prepared soil fertility maps of the country at ditrict level for available N, P and K for soil test based fertilizer management at district level
Preparation of organo-mineral fertilizers from rice straw, rock phosphate and wasted mica
A technique for Induced defoliation of pigeon pea leaves using spray of 10% urea solution at maturity for integrated nutirent management. By use of this technique about 95% of the leaves of pigeon pea defoliated in the field which enhance the additional amount of organic matter and nutrients in the soil.
Water Technology Centre
Centre has developed information on different aspects of crop water management such as increasing the efficiency of water management at all levels, exploitation of alternate and renewable energy sources in water conveyance and pumping, development of surface and ground water resources, increasing efficiency in the utilization of ground water through wells and pumps, water conveyance and distribution on the farm, irrigation methods, fertigation, soil-water-plant-atomphere relationship, climatological factors influencing water use efficiency, inventory of natural resources, water management under rainfed agriculture, development and testing of aqua-ferti seed drill (AFSD), watershed monitoring and development of utilization plan, water quality, reclamation of waterlogged and salt affected soils, economics of water management, and relevance of water institutions.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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