Crop husbandry: Concept of growing crops on saline soils, comprising laying out of ridge and a furrow in north-west direction to minimize the heat load was developed.
Dry land Agronomy: In dry land, aqua-sowing technologies of wheat, chickpea and mustard for improved crop stand, productivity and nutirents and water use efficiency were developed.
Water management: Sunken Screen Evaporimeter for scheduling of irrigation on volumetric basis was conceived and developed. This led to the concept of IW:CPE ratio.
Fertility management: Nitrification inhibitors and slow release N fertilizers, particularly in rice, were developed and tested. Technologies for efficient use of crop residue in rice-wheat and maize-wheat cropping systems were developed. Organic nutrient management practices were developed for basmati rice and vegetable based cropping systems.
Cropping systems: Concept of relay croppinh (with 400% intensity) for temporal and spatial intensification was evolved. Soybean and winter maize was recommended for diversification of croppig system.
Weed management: Integrated weed management package for different crops was developed. Low dose of 2,4-D Na salt (250g/ha) mixed with 3% urea was found as effective as high dose of 2,4-D Na salt (500g/ha) in controlling weeds in wheat as post-emergence application.