भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


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IARI Self Study Report for 2nd NAAC Cycle

Supporting Documents

Criteria- 7:    Institutional Values and Best Practices

The institute has taken various measures for gender equity and sensitization and other co-curricular activities, and facilities for women in campus. The institute has 24 hours security for safety of women and others in the campus, and also there is a women’s cell which looks after the safety of the women employee against sexual harassment. The institute has dedicated common rooms for girl students. There are three day care centers namely Nehru Experimental Center, Udyan, Blossom, Ankur run voluntarily by the residents and supported by the institute for providing pre-school elementary education as well as day care for the children of the employee. The institute has provided various training to female as well as male participants. For the last five years, the institute has provided training to 94% female (282) and 6% male (17) for preservation of seasonal fruits and vegetables, 49% female (1350) and 51% male (1400) exposure visit of general public to Institute’s winter rose show, 65% female (26) and 35% male (14) for improved agricultural technologies for higher income of the farmers of north Tripura, 80% female and 20% male to improved horticultural technologies of sub-tropical fruits, and 100% female each in value addition (212), nutria-farms (138), drudgery reduction (27), health benefits and processing of soybean (138), nutrition for lactating women (18), grading, packing and post-harvest management (20), income generation activities for empowerment, minimization of nutrient loss in processing (80), food processing and preservation (40), and KrishiVistar activities (26). Geo Tagged Photographs

Complaint Committee for Woman

Solar panels have been installed on roof tops of Divisions, mela ground, NRL building etc. which generated 2 MW (25) of electricity. The street lights as well as lights used in various laboratories, students’ hostels have been replaced with power saving LED bulbs. The institute has a biogas plant which is capable of producing biogas and demonstrated to the farmers and other visitors participated during annual Krishi mela.
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The Institute has well-knit protocols/ procedures for the collection and disposal of different kinds of wastes (chemical, biological, radioactive, universal and recyclable) from the laboratories, hostels and research farms. Institute Radiological Safely Office which operates takes care of the procurement of radioisotopes and biomolecules for research, collection of wastes on regular basis and its safe disposal in the designated protected area. The pesticide contaminated toxic waste and other related contaminated wastes generated from the laboratories are disposed-off on regular basis through safe disposal agencies. The Institute has installed bio-incinerator to manage hazardous laboratory waste. The facility with a capacity of 50 Kg/hour was created with IARI plan fund of Rs 18 lakh. The institute has got IBSC (Institute Bio-safety Committee) to scrutinize and approve applications related to research on GMOs including genome editing as directed by DBT, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The institute has designated solid waste disposal points located in residential as well as in various Divisions and offices where the solid wastes are collected and disposed off for final collection by Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
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Bio-incinerator facility
MOU_Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management

The institute has 24 hours security posted at different entry and exit gate which restricts the entry of unauthorized automobile and permit entries of only vehicles having institute logo. The students use bicycles for movement from hostels to different division situated within the campus. Designated cycle stands are present in the hostels and in different divisions of the institute. Pedestrian and Divyagan friendly foot pathways have been constructed in the zones of frequent vehicle movement for safety and security. IARI campus is designated as one of the major green zone in near the heart of Delhi. The campus is enriched with huge number of trees, green fields, orchards, landscaping with flower gardens in front of the Divisions, auditorium and iconic B.P. Pal rose garden which is situated in front of Dr M. S. Swaminathan (IARI) library. The institute has a separate Division on “Horticulture-Floriculture and Landscaping Architectures” which offer M.Sc. and Ph. D. degrees to the students.
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Restricted entry of automobiles_Circular implemented

No stringent Green audit is being conducted, however, the following steps have been taken up in this direction
  • “Swach Bharat Mission” of Govt of India is being sincerely followed with the participation of the employees of the Institute to make the campus clean and beautiful.
  • “Parthenium” eradication day was observed in the institute to eradicate these weeds from the crop field of IARI farm and other areas.
  • PUSA Farm Sun Fridge (FSF) is a specially designed off-grid batteryless green energy solar-refrigerated- evaporative cold storage structure that is effective and inexpensive and can enhance storability and help the grower control marketing of his high-value perishables.
  • Biomass utilization unit has been set up to utilize the leaf fall from the road side trees, and unutilized crop residues produced in different field experiments conducted at IARI farm for production of composts and these composts are recycled in various field experiments and also sold to the general public which generates revenue for the institute.
  • Roof top solar panels have been installed in various hostels for creating and using solar energy for Geyser during winter season.
  • The institute is using energy saving LED, CFL, star-rated power equipments which save lot of electrical energy.
    Agreement for installatin of rooftop-solar panel
    Green campus Award application

    The institute has created friendly barrier free environment for Divyangjan, older, and physically weak people. For this purpose, the institute has facilities for physical, lift, ramp/rails, rest rooms, and scribes for examination. About 76 people have used each of the facility above. Policy decisions and activities undertaken for the benefit of differently abled persons, published in IARI Annual Report, 2016, Page 180.: Three per cent of the total number of seats in each scheme of admission open to Indian nationals are reserved for differently abled candidates subject to their being otherwise suitable as per the norms of ICAR/Govt. of India. During the year 2016-17, 10 physically challenged students (4M.Sc./M.Techand 6 Ph.D.) were admitted against the reserved seats for differently abled candidates. Under Accessible India Campaign, ramps for wheel chair movement, brail tiled path, toilets and lift facilities were established in different disciplines.
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    Policy documents and information about admission of Person with Disability (PwD)

    IARI campus represents a true example of ‘Unity in Diversity’. It embodies faculty and students of almost all states of India, from different faith/religion, different cultural and food habits, and having different mother tongue. All coexists in absolute peaceful, friendly relations with harmony since the inception of the institute more than a century ago. Presently nine messes are operating in various hostels which cater the food requirements to the students of different food habits. The festivals like Diwali, Durga Puja, Ganesh Chaturthi, Saraswati Puja, Moharram, Eid are celebrated by the staff and the students having different faiths with great enthusiasm. Charitable work like free Covid-19 vaccination and testing camp, blanket distribution to economically weaker people, are also conducted by in the Nehru Experimental Centre located inside the campus by various socio-cultural organization existed in IARI campus on voluntary basis. The socio-cultural organization also provide education to the children of the labours working in different construction work of IARI.

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    7718 people participated in Vigilience Awareness Week, 581 students participated in Agricultural research, research ethics, rural development course (PGS505), 3107 students participated in Adoption of Anti-Plagiarism Policy to maintain academic integrity,1434 documents in the form of thesis and manuscripts prior to submission were subjected to web based software ‘Turnitin’ and similarity reports, 7698 students participated in Anti-Ragging/Grievance redressal mechanism followed by PG School, IARI, New Delhi which has Standing Committee on Students Problems Discipline,Welfare, Board and Residences which considers Complaints/Grievance of students, if any.

    The students are sensitized about the basic issues related to ethics in agricultural research, rural development, and environmental protection by various courses offered by the PG School, IARI. They are motivated towards practicing and promoting ethics in research and developmental endeavors through the course “PGS 505: Agricultural Research, Research Ethics and Rural Development Programmes (1L+0P)” offered. They are also educated regarding the law and policy for environmental protection and related ethical issues to protect the environment through the course “ES 611: Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy (2L+0P)”.

    Beside that the institute organizes “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (MGMG)” program for enhancing farmers’ knowledge about latest technology, and dissemination of latest technology to farmers field.

    “IARI post office linkage model” for enhanced outreach of frontline extension system, coverage of remotely located farmers through IARI improved technologies.

    “ARYA scheme” for entrepreneurship development among rural youth and women.

    “Soil testing services”: The guidelines are being followed and practiced in true spirit for offering the services of the institute laboratory for testing soil and water quality.

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    Weblink of PG School Courses

    Post Graduate School Calendar: The guidelines are being followed and practiced in true spirit for the academic activities of the institute.
    ICAR. 2006. ICAR Guidelines for Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer/Commercialization. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.: The guidelines are being followed and practiced in true spirit for commercialization and IP management.
    ICAR, 2014. ICAR Rules and guidelines for Professional Service Functions (Training, Consultancy, Contract Research and Contract Service, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi): The guidelines are being followed and practiced in true spirit for training, consultancy and contract research. Vision Document 2025 and Vision Document 2050: The guidelines are being followed and practiced in true spirit.

    Institution organizes professional ethics programmes for students
    Weblinks for policy documents for students & Teachers

    Every year, a week long Convocation programme of the PG school of the Institute organized in February which include presentation of significant post graduate students’ research, presentation of’significant educational achievements by the professors of different disciplines, lectures by the recipients of institute awards and Lal Bahadur Shastri memorial lecture. Besides the institute celebrates and organizes the following commemorative days throughout the year:
  • Republic Day on 26th January
  • Independence Day on 15th August
  • The Institute celebrated World Water Day on March 22, 2021
  • The Institute celebrated the International Women's Day in collaboration with Pusa Institute
  • Ladies Association (PILA) in March 8, 2021.
  • National Science day on February 28, 2021
  • IARI Foundation day: on April 1st
  • IARI Jharkhand foundation day: on 28th June 2021
  • World Bee Day on May 20th, 2021
  • World Milk Day on June 1st , 2021
  • World Yoga Day on June 21st
  • World Soil Day on 5th December
  • P. Pal Memorial Lecture on 20th July, 2021
  • Teachers Day on 5th September
  • The festivals like Diwali, Durga Puja, Ganesh Chaturthi and Saraswati Puja, Muharram and Eid are observed by the faculty and the students of different states with great enthusiasm.

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    Annual report of the celebrations and commemorative events for the last five years

    IARI Best Practice
    1. Title of practice: PUSA Decomposer Technology for agri-waste management
    A1. Objectives India generates about 62 million tons of bio-waste every year. Not only the waste has increased in quantity, but the characteristics of waste have also changed tremendously over a period. The present practice is usually to burn these residues or to leave them to decompose in open. There is an urgent need for rapid degradation of all types of crop residues generated like paddy straw, maize stalks, sugar cane trash, flower waste, garden waste and kitchen waste as an alternate to burning. Some microbial formulations have been developed to overcome this problem but these are not easy to use under field conditions. At IARI, New Delhi, Pusa decomposer, a consortium of seven fungi, has been developed on the basis of their lingo cellulolytic enzyme production potential. In-situ and ex-situ biodegradation of crop residue and farm waste helps in improvement of soil health by increasing the organic carbon in soil and reduces air pollution by preventing farmers from burning of crop residue.
    A 2. The Context Burning of crop residue causes damage to other micro-organisms present in the upper layer of the soil as well as its organic quality. Due to the loss of friendly pests, the wrath of enemy pests has increased and as a result, crops are more prone to disease. The solubility capacities of the upper layers of soil have also been reduced. According to a report, one tonne stubble burning leads to a loss of5.5 kilogram nitrogen, 2.3 kg phosphorus, 25 kg potassium and more than 1 kg of sulfur all soil nutrients, besides organic carbon. Therefore, development of fast degrading, easy to pusa decomposer technology is giving a permanent solution to the farmer community. Farmers and entrepreneurs is relieved of disposal of paddy residue within 25 days time without burning and polluting the environment and also enhanced decomposition of paddy waste into a value added product i.e, compost would help as source of income.
    A3. The Practice Pusa Decomposer: Division of Microbiology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, has developed an effective microbial solution Pusa Decomposer (both in liquid and capsule form)for accelerated decomposition of paddy straw. Four capsules of this product can be scaled up to 25L liquid formulation which can be applied in- situ to 1.0 ha of rice field having 5- 6 tonnes of paddy straw. Pusa Decomposer plays an important role in in-situ and ex-situ decomposition of paddy straw. For In-situ management, harvesting paddy with combine followed by chopper plus mulcher and spraying Pusa Decomposer followed by rotavator and light irrigation to keep the field moist has shown accelerated decomposition of the paddy straw and enabled the farmer to do timely wheat sowing. This was widely demonstrated in Punjab, Haryana, UP and NCR Delhi. Use of Pusa Decomposer does not provide any machine substitution. It accelerates process of paddy straw decomposition and makes the field ready for wheat sowing in 25 days. Use of Pusa Decomposer enhances chemical, biological and nutritional profile of soil.
    A4. Evidence of Success Last two years in 2020 and 2021 Delhi Govt. had the Pusa Decomposer solution sprayed on farmlands (1,935 acres) in the capital and found it decayed the crop stubble in around 20-25 days in time for the farmers to make the fields ready for next crop sowing. 90 of the farmers said the stubble and straw decomposed within 15-20 days when earlier it took 50-60 days. The farmers were happy that the wheat crop benefitted, as the yield increase was found to be 8-10. In 2021, ICAR-IARI in collaboration with a company is preparing to bring about >6000 acres under the Pusa Decomposer spray in Punjab alone for which 25,000 farmers have been selected to participate. UP Govt. is planning for 5000 ha to be brought under Pusa Decomposer. The technology has been licensed to 10 companies and each of them is keen to help the farmer to curtail the straw burning by mass production of the Pusa Decomposer product and making it readily available. Its use enriches the soil with organic carbon (OC), nutrients and soil biological and physical properties also improve. In contrast, burning of paddy straw kills beneficial microorganisms and in addition causes air pollution. Therefore, Pusa Decomposer is a long term sustainable solution for management of paddy straw in conjunction with machinery.
    A 5. Problems Encountered The very first problem is due to different farms sizes mainly small < 5 acres to large > 100 acres, the exact following of SOP for Pusa decomposer is not being maintained by all the farmers. Secondly, availability and accessibility of machinery for proper dissemination of technology at farmers field is utmost important. Custom hiring of spray machines like boom sprayer should be provided at village level. Thirdly, results may vary due to difference in soil texture of different areas.
    1. Title of practice: Off-grid, batteryless PUSA farm sunfridge technology
    B1. Objectives This is an innovative initiative to provide refrigerated storage of perishables for small holder farmers, even in areas lacking electricity supply. The requirement among farmers in India for community-level or on-farm cool structures for storage of perishables is immense, however their availability is limited. PUSA Farm Sun Fridge (FSF) is a specially designed off-grid battery less green energy solar-refrigerated evaporative cold storage structure that is effective and inexpensive and can enhance storability and help the grower control marketing of his high-value perishables. The FSF offers farmers an inexpensive access to “one’s own” on farm cold store that requires no utility-based electricity, and can improve control over marketing crops to fetch better prices and enhance their income.
    B2 The Context High post-harvest losses especially due to high ambient temperatures in summer season lack of sufficient cold storages and unreliable erratic electricity supply on farmers’ fields are some of the challenges faced by small holder farmers in India. The Pusa Farm Sun Fridge meets these challenges successfully, because the Sun Fridge is cooled by solar energy (green or renewable energy) during the day and cold water in water battery (thermal storage) during nighttime. The 2-tonne Sunfridge can be easily built as on-farm structure and can help farmer store or pre cool his produce, which will enable reduction in post-harvest losses causing his enhanced income.
    B3 The Practice The Farm Sun Fridge (FSF) is a solar-refrigerated evaporatively-cooled off-grid, batteryless, on-farm cold store for storage of perishables. The evaporative cooling component reduces heat load on the structure, enabling the use of a smaller solar panel array and smaller capacity refrigeration system. The FSF has been tested extensively for storage of amaranth - a model plant to evaluate imperfect storages. These 2-tonne FSFs can be self-built by farmers in two stages: initially as a evaporatively cooled store at 1st stage and then installing insulation and refrigeration system as add-on in the 2nd stage. The first of its kind concrete/FSF (inner size 3 x 3 x 3 m), built at the Division of Agricultural Engineering, IARI in 2017, was made of reinforced cement concrete (RCC) roof, supported on 4 concrete columns. The columns were sheethed in autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks and built on a concrete foundation. The iron frame FSF takes a quarter of that time to be completed and operational and would cost less in both materials and labor. This has been built in prefabricated and assemble-enabled iron frame at IARI exhibition ground.
    B4. Evidence of Success: The FSF is operational at three semi-arid villages instates of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Delhi, and the fourth FSF is built as a demo unit at IARI Exhibition ground in Delhi. The latter has been visited by over500 farmers/ policy makers since March 2021, covered extensively on various print (total circulation approx. 5 million) and social media platforms, and has stimulated intense interest among growers and policy makers. Around 68 of the visitors have expressed a desire to build FSF at their farms.
    B5 Problems Encountered and Resources Required The problems encountered are that the farmers and retailers need more than 2 tonnes capacity structure, so higher capacity FSFs need to be designed and built, for which more research is required too. More Farm Sun Fridges need to be built as demonstration units in different agro climatic zones in India for the farmers and retailers to have first-hand knowledge and hands on experience of the working of these off-grid batteryless cold stores. We would require 10 such FSFs in India for which the resources needed would be to the tune of 1 crore rupees.

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    Weblinks for Best Practices

    The thrust area of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi is agricultural research and education. Genomics-aided analytical breeding programs of the Institute accelerated the pace of crop breeding and led to the release of varieties/hybrids with improved yield, quality and climate resilience in field and horticultural crops. In wheat, HD3171, HS562 and HW5207 were released for commercial cultivation in North Eastern Plain Zone (NEPZ), Northern Hills Zone (NHZ) and Tamil Nadu, respectively. A high yielding wheat variety HI1605 with high protein and micro-nutrients (iron, zinc) was released for Peninsular Zone. Durum wheat varieties HI8759 and HD4728 with an average yield of >5.4 t/ha were released for timely sown irrigated conditions of Central Zone (CZ). Using marker assisted selection breeding, high yielding and superior quality iron and zinc biofortified wheat variety HI8777 was released. Wheat variety HD3249 enriched with iron, zinc and HI8802 with high protein  and carotenoid content was released in 2019. IARI wheat variety HD2967 occupied about 10 million ha and brought prosperity to the farmers. Three wheat varieties (HD3226, HD3237 and HI1620), one fine grain rice variety (Pusa Samba 1850) and two maize hybrids (Pusa Super Sweet Corn 1 and Pusa Jawahar Hybrid Maize 1) and 11 varieties/hybrids of different vegetables were released for commercial cultivation. IARI Basmati varieties earned about Rs. 25000 crores of export earnings. IARI has released two basmati rice varieties namely Pusa Basmati 1637 and Pusa Basmati 1728 with blast and bacterial blight resistance, respectively, for Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, western Uttar Pradesh. The Pusa Basmati 1121 developed by the Institute earned Rs 50 lakh crores during 2008-2016, and brought prosperity to millions of farmers. An improved version of Pusa Basmati 1121 named Pusa Basmati 1718 was developed with inbuilt resistance to bacterial blight disease. To address the Vitamin A deficiency (VAD), three bio-fortified maize hybrids viz., ‘Pusa HQPM-5 Improved’, ‘Pusa HQPM-7 Improved’ and ‘Pusa VH-27 Improved’ were released. The Country’s first double zero Indian mustard variety Pusa Double Zero Mustard 31 was released for Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Jammu and northern Rajasthan. In pulses, desi chick pea BG 3043, lentil L-4717 and mung bean Pusa-137 varieties were released for NEPZ, CA and NHZ, respectively. In horticultural crops, 23 hybrids/varieties of vegetables and 2 varieties in flower crops were identified/released.
    Pusa soil test fertilizer recommendation (STFR) meter has been improved, which is now capable of analyzing fourteen parameters viz., pH, EC, OC, 9 different available nutrients [(derived N), P, K, S, Zn, B, Fe, Mn and Cu], gypsum and lime requirement, and is expected to play a key role in soil health management. In addition, entomo-pathogenic nematode-based Galleria Cadaver for Insect Pest Management, BGA bio-fertilizer technology, VAM bio-fertilizer technology, and compost inoculant bio-fertilizer technology were licensed to different industries. The institute has also protected 26 crop varieties under ‘Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights’. IARI has made a breakthrough in developing and popularizing “Pusa Decomposer”, a fungal consortium, for in-situ and ex-situ crop residue decomposition which will help mitigate rice residue burning problem and air pollution, and also enhance soil fertility.
    Three new rice varieties (PB 1718, PB 1728 and PB1637), 5 vegetable varieties, Pusa STFR and Compost Inoculant Biofertilizer Technology were licensed to 40 industry partners. During these years 11 patents and 8 copyrights were granted to the institute. The annual economic surplus generated from PB1121 are estimated at Rs. 14707 crores during triennium ending 2018-2019 which  is 12-fold more than the budget of ICAR-IARI and two-fold more than the entire ICAR budget during 2018-19. About 48 of mustard grown area in the Country is cultivated with ICAR-IARI varieties. The average economic surplus generated by IARI mustard variety Pusa Mustard 25 during ending 2018-19 was estimated at Rs. 2919 crore and was allocated Rs.1499 crore to the farmers and Rs. 1420 crores to the consumers. To promote agri-entrepreneurship and startups through Agribusiness Incubation programmes, SAMARTH 2019, UPJA 2019 and ARISE 2019 programs were launched. Under UPJA 2019, 618 applications were received of which 30 applicants were selected and incubated, and 78 on-to-one and group mentoring sessions were conducted.
    The 57th Convocation of the Post Graduate School of the IARI was held on February 8, 2019. Hon’ble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh awarded degrees to 239 candidates (123M.Sc., 22 M.Tech. and 94 Ph.D.), and 08 international students. IARI helped complete the establishment of Advanced Centre for Agricultural Research and Education (ACARE) at Yezin Agricultural University, Myanmar, and on 12 December, 2018 by Hon’ble President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind dedicated ACARE to the people of Myanmar. It is a matter of greatpride for this institute that 2020’s World Food Prize was conferred upon Prof. Rattan Lal, an alumnus of IARI. The Institute was awarded with “Agricultural Leadership Award 2019” by a national agriculture magazine, “Agriculture Today” for helping the country attain and maintain self-sufficiency in food grains and for improving the economic conditions of Indian farmers.
    To bridge the phenotype-genotype gap, the Institute has established “Nanaji Deshmukh Plant Phenomics Centre (NDPPC)” which was inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi and dedicated to the Nation on 11th October, 2017.
    The Institute played a pivotal role in Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (MGMG) programme which improved outreach of technologies through on field demonstrations and direct interaction between scientists and farmers. Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2019 with the theme of Krishi Vikas: Innovative Technologies was organized from March 5-7, 2019, wherein over one lakh visitors and 170 public and private exhibitors from across the country participated.
    IARI faculties have brought large number of externally funded project worth Rupees 184.78 crores, and IARI had collaboration with 4 or more Institute in each of 78 externally funded projects. About Rupees 603 lakhs worth new equipment were added to the laboratories. IARI was awarded with Centre for Advanced Agricultural Technology (CAAST) project under National Agricultural Higher Education program with a budget of Rs 1999.68 lakhs for enhancing faculty and student research skills and research outcomes.

    Annual report, IARI Quarterly news and best practices in last five years

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