भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

सेस्क्रा संभाग
Research Thrust
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
    •   To develop and disseminate adaptation technologies to enhance the resilience of agriculture to the current and future climatic risks.
    •   To develop technologies for C sequestration and mitigation of greenhouse gas emission.
    •   To assess the vulnerability of productivity and quality of crops to climate change.
    •   To develop decision support systems and policy guidelines for managing agriculture in climate change scenarios.
  • Environmental impact and mitigation
    •   To assess the impacts of soil, water and air pollution on agriculture and vice versa.
    •   To evaluate carbon, water and N footprints of agriculture in different agro-climatic zones.
    •   To develop strategies for mitigating pollution impacts on agriculture.
    •   To evaluate ecosystem services for conventional and emerging agricultural practices.
  • Nitrogen and carbon management
    •   To assess reactive N load in soil, water and air for climate change and environment management at regional scales.
    •   To develop, demonstrate and upscale site-specific improved N management technologies for higher efficiency and sustainability.
    •   To develop agri-residue management strategies for C sequestration and sustainable agriculture.
    •   To develop decision support systems and other tools for ‘on demand’ nutrient management.
  • Radio-ecological studies
  • To improve the storability and grain quality using gamma radiation.
  • To assess the crop sensitivity to gamma radiation under different environments.
  • Capacity building and policy formulation
    •   MSc and PhD programmes on Environmental Sciences.
    •   Training on environmental monitoring, climate change adaptation, GHG mitigation, N and C management, simulation modeling.
    •   Policy formulation for climate change adaptation, ecosystem services, low carbon agriculture and carbon trading.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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