भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

कृषि भौतिकी संभाग

Dr Subash Nataraja Pillai, Head and Principal Scientist
head_phy[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in , nsubash[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in

Starting from a small unit "Physics in Agriculture" created in 1948, the Division of Agricultural Physics was established as a full fledged teaching and research discipline in 1962. Endowed with a mission to study Soil-Water-Plant-Environment Energetic for eco-friendly and sustainable exploitation of agricultural resources, the Division had initially four sub-disciplines: Soil Physics, Plant-Biophysics, Environmental Physics and Agricultural Meteorology at the time of its establishment. And today all these form the major pillars of the edifice of Agricultural Physics as a Discipline. The Division has made significant progress on research, teaching and training in the subject areas (Soil Physics, Agricultural Meteorology, Remote sensing and GIS and Plant-Biophysics). In addition, the Division is actively involved in transfer of technology to the farming community of NCR, Delhi through medium range weather-based agro-advisory services, since 1993. The agro-advisory bulletins are prepared twice a week and disseminated through the Institute website, print and electronic media, telephone, fax and e-mail. Since 1992, the Division has been contributing to human resource development on “Remote Sensing Applications in Agriculture” through regular, Department of Space Sponsored, Winter School. We also established satellite interactive terminal facility in the Division to impart off-campus EDUSAT based training to students and faculties of the Institute on “Basics of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS” in association with the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (Department of Space), Dehradun. The Division has established an advanced “Soil Physics Laboratory” and a sophisticated “Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Laboratory” to pursue the research and its applications. 105 M.Sc. and 135 Ph.D. students have received their degrees in the Discipline of Agricultural Physics so far and most of them are occupying important key positions in varied organizations such as India Meteorological Department, Indian Space Research Organization, National Remote Sensing Agency, Space Application Centre, Department of Science and Technology and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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