भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

पादप कार्यिकी संभाग

Dr Renu Pandey, Head and Principal Scientist
head_physio[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in, renu_pphy[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in

The Division of Plant Physiology at IARI was established on 14th November, 1966. Prior to its establishment as an independent Division, discipline of Plant Physiology existed as a section in erstwhile Division of Botany, IARI. Dr. J.J. Chinoy initiated physiological research at IARI way back in the year 1941. In the early fifties and sixties the research was oriented towards problems related with environmental stresses and plant nutrition. Dr. R. D. Asana became the first Head of the Division. The strong foundation for crop physiological research was laid during his tenure, and these studies are of practical relevance even in this era of “omics” research. Dr. G.S. Sirohi realized the importance of basic research in crop improvement and as a result an Advance Center of Plant Physiology was established in the year 1980 under United Nation Development Program. Initiation of Indo-US project under PL-480 scheme on ‘Photosynthesis and Crop Productivity’ from 1983 to 1993 was another effort towards strengthening the Division of Plant Physiology.

Our Mission
  • Enhancing the physiological efficiencies for improving the productivity and production of crop plants.
  • To conduct basic and strategic research with a view to understand the processes leading to solution of problems in crop productivity.
  • To train Post-Graduate students leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree.
  • To impart training in physiological tools to agricultural scientists of SAUs/ICAR Institutes.

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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