भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Economics
The various extension approaches and models developed at the Divisions are as below:
Whole Village Development
Effective use of mass media in agricultural development
Single Window Delivery System
Farmer-to-farmer seed production and distribution
Entrepreneurship Development
Rural Social Centre
Extension Lab
Capacity building of extension personnel
Gender Empowerment
Documentation and Validation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge
Farming System Development
Agricultural Extension
Based on the response of the stake-holders, the priorities for developing an efficient information system were identified and a model for efficient flow of information was developed. These include:
Formation of Village Information Center (VIC) for all agricultural related information especially for marketing information
Constructing and equipping Village Information Center (VIC)/knowledge centres with radio, television, telephone/STD, Internet facility with farmers' contributed money/panchayat money
Infrastructure for marketing intelligence/information analysis at state level (by creating a Unit/Cells at SAUs/Marketing departments etc.) for those fruits and vegetables which are important in the state. Cells should also have the information needed by the processors, transporters, associations connected with marketing etc.
Encourage private community TV/radio station under Government check (covering an area up to 30 kms radius) for information on farm inputs-outputs and marketing. Connect it to market intelligence units/cells
Connect marketing intelligence units or cells with AGMARKNET
Connecting Marketing Intelligence/Information Units/Cells with Village Information Centre, PRO in APMC, Community TV Channels/ Radio, KVK, AEZ and Kisan Call Centers, either directly or through District Marketing officers (DMO) or through district Horticultural/Agricultural officer (DAO, DHO).
Study on communication visuals indicate that the farmers comprehend messages more easily and with clarity through photographs and line drawings. Thirteen training and management modules in extension organization have been designed and standardized for removal of drudgery suffered by the farm women.
Under Technology Assessment and Refinement (TAR) through Institute Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) and Front line Demonstrations (FLD), short duration rice variety, 'Puss Sugandh-4' fetched higher returns in spite of its low yield than 'PRH-10', 'Puss Sugandh-2' and 'Pusa Sugandh -3', because of its good quality, better market friendly and higher market price.
In case of drudgery reduction of farm women in intercultural operations, the use of wheel hand hoe covered three to four times more area per unit time as compared to traditional farm implements. More than 200 farm women have used this implement by taking from each other. Complete feed block ration processed by machine has shown trends of improvement in productive and reproductive parameters of health and milk yield of milch animals.
In Outreach Extension programme in Jhunjunu district of Rajasthan, the problem of Orobanchae, a parasitic weed has been a threat to mustard crop and has become acute in the last 5-6 years, causing loss of 40 to 90%. This weed also affects other crops like tobacco, cumin, radish, carrot, tomato, brinjal etc. IARI has initiated to solve this problem through mission mode.
The Agricultural Technology Information Centre of the Institute is providing 'Single Window Delivery System' for the products, services and technologies to the farmers/entrepreneurs etc. through information, museum, exhibits, l"Library, plant clink and live demonstrations on crop cafeteria. Thousands of farmers and foreign visitors take advantage by way of visits, telephonic helpline (011- 5841670 , toll free Kisan Call Centre (1551), Farm bulletins etc.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

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