भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute


[Section 4(b) (ii) of RTI Act - Powers and Duties of Officers]

IARI is an autonomous public funded national Institute for research and Higher education in Agricultural Sciences. The Head of the Department is the Director, IARI and Joint Director (Admn) and the various Heads of the Divisions are the Head of the Office, of the respective Units.

The Organizational Chart can be seen:

It can be seen from the chart that presently the research, education and extension activities of the Institute are carried out through a network of 20 discipline based divisions, six multidisciplinary centres, nine regional stations, two off seasons nurseries and a common set of service units.

The powers and duties of each officer is presently being tabulated.


Sl. No.





The Director is Head of Department for the Institute. He exercises all the powers which is applicable to HOD as per GOI instructions. Further additional powers have been delegated to the Director for day to day running of the Institute as per delegation of powers by ICAR HQ. Overall administrative, financial, executive disciplinary and appointing powers rest with the Director


Jt. Direct (Admn.)

Some of the powers delegated to Director are further re-delegated to various officers in chain. Accordingly JD(A) is appointing and disciplinary authority of Group 'C' posts. The JD(A) exercise financial powers as per their re-delegation. The JD(A) is also acting as Registrar (Academic) ofDeemed University and is Member Secretary of Board of Management and Academic Council and Executive Council. He is the Head of Office. He advises the Head of the Department on all matters of policy and administration. Further the work has been distributed amongst the officers and He act as Administrative Head for allocated work. He is responsible in this capacity for smooth functioning of the Institute.


Chief Admn. Officer

Some of the powers delegated to Director are further re-delegated to various officers in chain. Accordingly CAO is the appointing and disciplinary authority of Group 'D' posts. He exercises financial powers as per their re-delegation. He advises the Head of the Department on all matters of policy and administration. Further the work has been distributed amongst these officers and he act as Administrative Head for allocated work. He is responsible in this capacity for smooth functioning of the Institute.


Senior Administrative Officer / Administrative Officer

They advise the Head of the Department on all matters of policy and administration. Scrutinize proposals related to Establishment, Administration, Material Management, Infrastructure and Training etc. They also coordinate activities of various units of the office. They also recommend cases for taking disciplinary action against the staff as per instructions issued by Govt. of India. Implement policies of the Govt.



CFAO is Controller of finances, budget and auditory functions of the internal finance. No financial powers is delegated to CFAO. He also monitors the progress of expenditure and prepares, Budget Estimate & Revised Estimate for current financial year.



They ensure proper maintenance of accounts books and records. Supervise subordinates engaged in the maintenance of accounts. Scrutinize bills, receipts payments etc. for proper entries in cash-book, ledger and other records. Keep records of all taxes, fees etc. required to be paid by organisation. Get annual Budget prepared and consolidated and its presentation to the appropriate authority. See that prescribed account procedure/Audit is followed by offices, establishments and accounts books are properly maintained. Ensure that instructions given or objections raised are carried out or rectified. Advise appropriate authority on financial matters including revenue and expenditure such as procedure disposal of assets, write-off, depreciation, award of contract etc.


Asstt. Legal Advisor

Arranging of the defense of the cases/ contesting of the cases / vetting of the petitions, replies, applications and appeals etc. from legal point of view. Beside this vetting and examination of the HBA applications, patent applications/ agreements/ contracts/ drafting of pleadings / courts orders / MoUs / rendering of legal advice in the legal matters / liasioning with the advocates and other judicial authorities and also to appear before the various Commissions along with the concerned officers of the IARI as and when required.


Asstt. Director (OL)

Supervise the progress of work in Hindi under Official Language Act. Supervise all type of translation work done by Hindi Translator. Prescribe proforma for and collection information from various sections, divisions, units and regional stations of the Institute about the progressive increase / decrease in the use of Hindi as an official language. Arranges the Hindi Typing training classes. Arrange different programmes / competitions for promotion of use of Hindi in office work. Attend meetings of Committee on Hindi.


Security Officer/Security Supervisors

They plan, control, supervise security arrangements of the Institute against fire, thefts, pilferage, unauthorized entry and personal hazards. Allot duties to security personnel at appropriate locations to check unauthorized entry of men and passage of material. Issue gate passes to visitors desiring entry into restricted premises. Enquire into complaints of unauthorized entry of men and material and cases of theft, etc., and report the matter to police for further action. Maintain discipline amongst security personnel.


Asstt. Admn. Officer

They organize and control all clerical work in the office, mark the dak, allot duties of staff, co-ordinate and supervise work of the clerical staff and look after discipline, administrative matters including cases of Earned Leave, in-subordination, arrangement of office accommodation, furniture, office equipments, etc. Prepare briefs on important administrative matters and Parliament question, attend Departmental Meetings. They also perform the duties of DDOs and Inquiry officers.


Assistant / UDC

Dealing with promotion, retirement and all kind of service matters of the staff/officers of the Institute and its Regional Station. Maintenance of Personal Files of the staff/officers. Processing the cases for taking necessary action against employees on unauthorized absence / misconduct. Processing different types of information asked by the ICAR/other authorities. Deal with different court cases. Processing the cases for procurement of different items and looking after the stores. Perform the duties of cashiers. Work under Financial and Accounts Officers for processing/passing of bills etc. Submit different cases alongwith necessary rules to appropriate authorities to facilitate decision making process. Perform different duties assigned by higher authorities.



Receive and register the DAK, Maintain the Section Diary, File Register, File Movement Register, Indexing and Recording, typing, comparing, despatch, preparation of different reports. Submission of routine and simple drafts.


PS/PA/Steno Grade III

They are attached with officers/ higher authorities and perform the duties like mail correspondence, paper filing, making appointments, arranging meetings and collecting information desired by the officers. Besides above they also take dictation and transcribe it, Screen the telephone calls and visitors for the officers.

(Annexure 1-OMV)


S.No Description of Service/Grade Appointing Authority Authority competent to impose penalties Appellate Authority Reviewing Authority
      Authority Penalties    
  Director President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Jt.Director(Extn.)Jt.Director(Res.)Jt.Director(Admn.)Dean & JD(Edu.) President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Project Director President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Pr.Scientist President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Scientist(SG) President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Scientist(SS) President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Scientist President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Technical (Rs.16,500/-) President, ICAR President, ICAR All    
  Tech-9 Director DG, ICAR All President, ICAR  
  Tech-7/8 Director DG, ICAR All DG, ICAR  
  Tech.-6/Tech-5/Tech-4/Tech-3/T-II-3/Tech-1 Director Director All DG, ICAR  
  C.Ad.O/SAO DG, ICAR DG, ICAR All President, ICAR  
  CF&AO DG, ICAR DG, ICAR All President, ICAR  
  F&AO DG, ICAR DG, ICAR All President, ICAR  
  AF&AO Director Director All (i)DG, ICAR in cases where the disciplinary authority is in the scale of pay higher than that of Secy.ICAR(ii) Secy., Director ICAR in all other cases.  
  AO DG, ICAR DG, ICAR All President  
  AAO/ Assistant Director Director All DG, ICAR  
  UDC/LDC JD(A) JD(A) All Director  
  Supporting Staff C.Ad.O C.AD.O All Director  

For Redelegation of powers to Joint Directors, No. 10-2/2002-IMC dated 10-2-2010, click here

For Financial Powers delegated-1, please click here

For Financial Powers delegated-2, please click here

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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