भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute



It has four divisions viz. Plant Pathology, Entomology, Nematology and Agricultural Chemicals. The students of the school are trained with skill sets to identify new pests and diseases; epidemiological studies and developing decision support system for early fore-warning; identification of host resistance; biochemical and molecular host pathogen interaction; cloning of useful genes and genetic engineering for pest and disease management in crop plants; pathogen and pest characterization; identification of races/pathotypes/ strains; serological and molecular based diagnosis; developing bio-control methods like integrated pest management strategies, use of plant (botanicals) products, judicious use of chemicals etc. Genomics, improved diagnostics and biosystematics are the upcoming areas being addressed. Division of Agricultural chemicals has proved a trend setter in planning and execution of basic and applied research of national importance in multifarious domains of development, formulation and safety aspect of agrochemicals. First indigenously prepared and industrially adapted neem coated urea is one of its major contribution to fertilizer industry.

Division of Plant Protection

To identify new pests and diseases, their spread and priority research target pests as well as prediction of pest incidence; biochemical and molecular basis of host para host-pathogen interaction with reference to mechanism of resistance and virulence of pests, cloning of useful genes and genetic engineering for pest and disease resistance in crop plants; biochemical and molecular characterization of pests, pathogen strains/ races/bio-types for rapid and authentic identification; develop bio-control methods integrated pest management strategy, use of plant (Botanicals) products, judicious use of chemicals, mechanism of action of bio-agents and other eco-friendly approaches for management of pests and diseases; development of agro-chemicals from Artemesia spp., Ocimum sanctum, and Azadirachta indica as well as formulations of organophosphate, pyrethroids and bio-pesticides; develop computer-based taxonomy, host range geographic distribution, and phytosanitory risks for selected nematodes, insects and microorganisms; augmentation and maintenance of the national nematode/ insect/micro-organisms/fungi/collections, their bio-systematic characterization and identification of economically important accessions; Production of novel compounds: Isolation and characterization of botanical herbicides for Phalaris minor. Following are the divisions under this school:

Division of Plant Protection

Plant Pathology
Agricultural Chemicals

Regional Station

Pune Maharashtra

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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