भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute



The disciplines under School of Natural Resource Management have been at the forefront in capacity building of M.Sc./M.Tech. and Ph.D students for delivery, monitoring and evaluation of different resources related to natural r e sourc e management, and development of efficient resource management technologies towards enhancing productivity, p r o fit a b i l it y and s u st a ina b i l it y o f crops/cropping systems. The students are also trained in use of advanced techniques and technologies like remote sensing and GIS, IoT, robotics, drone and sensor system for crop monitoring and management of natural resources; use of alternate sources of energy like solar energy for agricultural production system and agribiomass energy for industrial purpose. They are also developing innovative fertilizer compositions like Nano-fertilizers, NCPCs, Biodegradable clay polymers etc for improving nitrogen use efficiency, soil health restoration through different amendments like biochar and compost. The school is also training students in the area of isolation and selection of nutrient fixing and plant-growth promoting microorganisms, isolation and utilization of microorganisms for accelerated degradation of agricultural waste and development of BGA based and carrier base biofertilizers.

Division of Natural Resource Management (NRM)

Studies on integrated nutrients, water and weed management in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables and spices based cropping system; investigations on bio-mass production, use of bio-fertilizers and agro-energetics with emphasis on recycling of crop plants, shrubs, tree residues and effective utilization of agricultural wastes; studies on integrated approach for efficient utilization of rainwater and nutrients, and contingent crop planning for rainfed areas; investigations on biological and non-chemical methods of weed control, weeds shifts in cropped and non-cropped areas, weed biology and control of obnoxious, parasitic, perennial and aquatic weeds; investigations on weather based crop management using medium range weather forecasts; assessment of soil, water, climate and crop resources using remote sensing, GIS, nuclear and other allied techniques for generation of database and resources inventories; development of soil health index and restoration of soil health for sustainable crop production; development of criteria for optimizing the use of fertilizers and water in crops and cropping systems; development and refinement of bio-fertilizer applications and management practices; identification and utilization of efficient strains of nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilising microorganisms in relation to soil fertility and crop productivity; design and development of multi-operational powered equipment for enhancing the productivity and cost returns on small and medium farms; development of suitable environmental control systems for polyhouses in different regions of India; impact assessment of increased CO2 and temperature on crop productivity, and flora and fauna; development and refinement of crop growth simulation models for important crops; management of land and water resources and evaluation of irrigation system; technologies for watershed development; development of on-farm water management technologies. Following are the divisions under this school:

Division of Natural Resource Management (NRM)

Agricultural Physics
Soil Science & Agril Chemistry
Environment Science
Agricultural Engineering


Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit

Project Directorate

Water Technology Center

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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