भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

भा.कृ.अ.सं. क्षेत्रीय केन्द्र, वेलिंग्टन, कलिम्पोंग

IARI Regional Station, Kalimpong is one of the oldest Regional Station of Indian Agricultural Research Station located at an altitude of 1200msl. It was set up as the Co-ordinated Plant Virus Research Scheme, I.A.R.I. for Eastern Zone at Kalimpong in February 1956 in a rented house named “Churchill Ville” at L.B. Road, Kalimpong. The centre was renamed as Plant Virus Research Sub-station in 1967and subsequently as Plant Virus Research Station (PVRS) in the year 1969.  The property named as “Alpine Estate” of 3.145 acres at 8.5 Miles, L.B. Road, Kalimpong was acquired on 11.10.1972 for the purpose of PVRS. The possession of the acquired property was initiated on 12.02.1973 and completed by 23.11.1974. Consequently, PVRS was shifted from “Churchill Ville” to the acquired site in February, 1973 wherein it was rechristened as the I.A.R.I. Regional Station, Kalimpong in 1976.

Prof. S.P. Raychaudhuri, who is regarded as the father of plant virology in India, was the founder Officer In-Charge of this Regional Station. He left his indelible mark through his commendable works on plant viruses from 1956 to 1961 at this station. Subsequently the rein of this regional station came into the able hands of eminent scientists in the field of plant virology and entomology namely, Prof. S.N. Chatterjee (1961-62), Prof. B. Ganguly (1962-1966), Prof. A.N. Basu (1966-68), Prof. D.C. Sharma (1968-70), Prof. Y.S. Ahlawat (1970-79) and Prof. N.K. Chakraborty (1979-88)

I.A.R.I. Regional Station, Kalimpong has taken a lead role in conducting research on virus and virus like diseases affecting economically important plant species of Darjeeling and Sikkim hills. Since its inception in 1956, at least 25 virus and virus-like diseases of plants prevalent in this region were reported from this station. Of course, there was a period of comparative lull from mid-eighties to mid-nineties because the major establishment (office-cum-laboratory building, library and museum) of this regional station was burnt down to ashes on December 15, 1987 and the research work of this station became practically paralyzed almost for a decade due to Gorkhaland agitation. After construction of the new office-cum-laboratory building, research work has gained momentum.

Our Mission
  • Identification of virus diseases of citrus, cardamom, orchids and production of virus free plants.
  • Development of management practices for containing viral diseases in the north eastern hills.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

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New Delhi - 110012
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