भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

एग्रीकल्चर नॉलेज मैनेजमेंट यूनिट
Risk Assessment & Management of Hydro-climatic Hazards on Natural Resource Degradation & Agricultural Sustainability (IARI:NRM:04)

Indian Agriculture is facing risk on account of changing climate, increasing climate variability and degradation of natural resource. A spatio-temporal assessment of agro-climatic hazards, adaptive capacity  and vulnerability is needed for quantifying the risk and identifying the hot spots. Strategies are required for managing land degradation and shrinking water resources. Recent advancement in geospatial techniques and availability of real time remote sensing data provides an opportunity to develop early warning system and its dissemination for risk reduction. It is necessary to develop knowledge based agricultural services along with a communication backbone for enhancing the knowledge base and dissemination process to the end users. Under this project, the development  & evaluate composite indices, prediction rules, models for risk assessment of biotic and abiotic stresses activity along-with development of  e-resources and web systems for effective dissemination of efficient adaptation strategies has been initiated.

Early warning for yields and pests in crops on spatial scale for their integrated management. Space Application Center, Ahmedabad (ISRO-SAC)

Forecasting of crop yield through remote sensing offers an alternative to the more resource-consuming field measurements and surveys typically used to estimate crop yields at regional to national scales. Models for yield estimation have been developed from empirical to semi physical to physiological growth simulation models. Each approach has its own usability and demerits. The statistical models viz.Regression Models; Time Series Models; Probabilistic Models; Nonlinear Models; Models based on soft-computing techniques (such as fuzzy regression and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), integrated models) may be developed and evaluated which may integrated the weather and remote sensing data. Crop yield losses in India due to pests (including diseases) range  from 15-25 %. 

DST- ICRISAT centre of excellence on climatic change research for plant protection: Pest and Disease management for climatic change adaptation funded from DST, New Delhi (CCPI)

Climate change and annual climate variability will exacerbate existing vulnerabilities of resource-constrained farmers who depend on agriculture for a living. On average, 30–50% of the yield losses from agricultural crops are caused by diseases and insect-pests. Increase in the frequency of climate extremes, especially temperature and rainfall, are likely to influence the distribution, establishment, epidemiology and management of plant diseases and insect-pests and fuel the losses manifold. Focused R&D is therefore needed to generate strategic knowledge on the changes in diseases and insect-pests dynamics with changing climate and accordingly modify crop protection strategies. 


National knowledge management center for agricultural education and research under Innovation Grants of National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) (CCPI)

The process for establishing the future direction to the Library began with re-evaluating the traditional library model. The developing revolution in the technology of on-line storage, display, and communication will make it economically possible to place the entire contents of a library on-line, accessible from computer networks located anywhere, with a hardware cost comparable to operational budget of that library. Digital technologies and online access to information resources have brought increased expectation from library and information services. For researchers, fast access to existing scientific outputs and archived scholarly information on their topic of interest is as crucial as current scientific knowledge. The modes of services that librarians and information professionals provide has thus become very important and have undergone fundament changes over past few decades. 


ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

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New Delhi - 110012
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