भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Engineering      (16 scientists)

Dr Tapan Kumar Khura


Field of Specialisation : Farm Machinery and Power

Dr Tapan Kumar Khura

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

Ph.D : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Reserach Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural Engineering

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   04

   Ph.D :   -

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Chandra, R., Vijay, V. K., Subbarao, P. M. V., & Khura, T. K. (2011). Performance evaluation of a constant speed IC engine on CNG, methane enriched biogas and biogas. Applied Energy, 88(11), 3969-3977.
  2. Chandra, R., Vijay, V. K., Subbarao, P. M. V., & Khura, T. K. (2012). Production of methane from anaerobic digestion of jatropha and pongamia oil cakes. Applied Energy, 93, 148-159.
  3. Yadav, S. N., Chandra, R., Khura, T. K., & Chauhan, N. S. (2013). Energy inputoutput analysis and mechanization status for cultivation of rice and maize crops in Sikkim. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 15(3), 108-116.
  4. Kushwaha, H., Sinha, J., Khura, T., Kushwaha, D. K., Ekka, U., Purushottam, M., & Singh, N. (2016, January). Status and scope of robotics in agriculture. In International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering (Vol. 12, p. 163).
  5. Khura, T. K., Mani, I., & Srivastava, A. P. (2010). Some engineering properties of onion crop relevant to design of onion digger. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 47(1), 1-8.
  6. Khura, T. K., Mani, I., & Srivastava, A. P. (2011). Design and development of tractor-drawn onion (Allium cepa) harvester. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 81(6), 528-32.
  7. KHURA, T., SUNDARAM, P. K., D LANDE, S. A. T. I. S. H., Kushwaha, H. L., & CHANDRA, R. (2015). Biochar for climate change mitigation and ameliorating soil healtha review. Journal of AgriSearch, 2(1).
  8. Khura, T. K., Barman, J. D., Chandra, R., Yadav, S. N., Chauhan, N. S., & Rautaray, S. K. (2013). Physical properties of large cardamom cultivated in north eastern Himalayan region of Sikkim, India. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 15(4), 194-201.
  9. SUNDARAM, P. K., MANI, I., D LANDE, S. A. T. I. S. H., PARRAY, R. A., & KHURA, T. K. (2019). Design and Development of Fertilizer Metering System for Tractor drawn Liquid Fertilizer Applicator. Journal of AgriSearch, 6(4), 211-214.
  10. Parray, R. A., Mani, I., Kumar, A., Khura, T. K., & Lande, S. D. (2016). Pilot study of farm power-machinery status and custom-hiring opportunities in rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(2).

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Tractor drawn Gladiolus planter and harvester
  1. UAN basal and foliar applicator
  1. Robotic precsion planter
  1. SWI Planter
  1. tractor drawn Onion harvester

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Fellow Institution of Engineers, India