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Agricultural Engineering      (16 scientists)

Dr D.K. Singh


Field of Specialisation : Soil & Water Conservation Engineering/Land and Water Management Engineering

Dr D.K. Singh

Professor, Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Ph.D : Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Agricultural Engineering

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   4

   Ph.D :   10

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Singh, D. K and A. K. Singh (2002) Groundwater situation in India: Problems and perspective. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 18(4): 565-582.
  2. Patle, G.T., D. K. Singh, A. Sarangi, A. Rai, M. Khanna and R. N. Sahoo (2015) Time series analysis of groundwater levels and projection of future trend, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 85 (2): 232-242
  3. Patle G.T, D. K. Singh, A. Sarangi, M. Khanna (2016). Managing CO2 emission from groundwater pumping for irrigating major crops in Trans Indo-Gangetic Plains, Climatic Change, 136(2): 265-279.
  4. Ajdary Khalil., D. K. Singh, A.K. Singh and ManojKhanna (2007) Modelling of nitrogen leaching from experimental onion field under drip fertigation. Agricultural Water Management 89: 15-28.
  5. Jeet, Pawan, D. K. Singh and A. Sarangi (2019) Development of composite hydrologic index for semi-arid region of India, Groundwater, 57(2) doi: 10.1111/agwat.12867.
  6. Mali, S. S., D. K. Singh, A. Sarangi, S. S. Parihar (2017) Crop water footprints with special focus on response formulation: the case of Gomti river basin (India), Environmental Earth Sciences 201776:786, http:/doi.org/10.1007/s12665-017-7121-8
  7. Patle, G. T., D. K. Singh, A. Sarangi and R. N. Sahoo (2016) Modelling of groundwater recharge potential from irrigated paddy field under changing climate, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10333-016-0559-6
  8. Kambale, J. B., D. K. Singh and A. Sarangi (2016) Impact of climate change on groundwater recharge in semi-arid region of Northern India, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research X(y), 15(1): 335-362. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(1): 335-362
  9. Patle G. T. and D. K. Singh (2015). Sensitivity of annual and seasonal reference crop evapotranspiration to principal climatic variables, J. Earth Syst. Sci; 124 (4)-819-828.
  10. Dandekar A. T., D. K. Singh, A. Sarangi and A. K. Singh (2018) Modelling vadose zone processes for assessing groundwater recharge in semi-arid region, Current Science, 114 (2): 608-618.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Integrated land and water resources management plan for Moolbari watershed in Sub-Himalayan region of Himachal Pradesh and DSS for utilization of land and water resources in the hilly region
  1. Methodology for assessing carbon footprint of groundwater irrigation and water footprint of crops at river basin level
  1. Composite Hydrologic Index for rainwater management and groundwater recharge in Betwa river basin and impact assessment of climate change on surface and sub-surface hydrology
  1. Modelling procedures for assessing groundwater recharge, seawater intrusion and nitrogen movement under fertigation, design and operating procedures for multiple well point system and groundwater management strategies for enhancing adaptive capacity to cl
  1. GIS based Ground Water Information System, conjunctive water use plan and DSS for on-farm water management

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. Jawaharlal Nehru Award for outstanding postgraduate research in the field of Soil and Water Management by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research- 1997
  1. Best Teacher Award for excellence in teaching in the discipline of Agricultural Engineering by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in the year 2010 for 2009.
  1. Commendation Medal for outstanding contribution in the field Soil and Water Conservation Engineering by Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers - 2010.
  1. Fellow, Institution of Engineers (India)
  1. Netherlands Government Scholarship for conducting research at International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), Wageningen, the Netherlands