भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Engineering      (16 scientists)

Dr Adarsh Kumar


Field of Specialisation : Ergonomics, Farm Machinery and Power

Dr Adarsh Kumar

Principal Scientist

M.Sc. : IIT Kharagpur


Google Scholar

PG School, Faculty Disciplines : Farm Machinery and Equipment

No. of Students Guided : -    M.Sc :   9

   Ph.D :   9

Top 10 Publications having NAAS rating 6 and above with first or corresponding author only

  1. Adarsh Kumar, Mathew Varghese, Mohan Dinesh and Puneet Mahajan. 1999. Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Low Back: A Case Control Study of Tractor Drivers in North India. Spine, 24(23), 2503-2513
  2. Jena S., Adarsh Kumar and J. K. Singh. 2016. Biomechanical model for energy consumption in manual load carrying. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 55, 69-76.
  3. Adarsh Kumar, J.K.Singh and Charanjit Singh. 2012. Prevention of chaff cutter injuries. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (ID: 674043 DOI:10.1080/17457300.2012.674043) , 20(1);59-67
  4. Varun Chaturvedi, Adarsh Kumar, J.K. Singh. 2012. Power Tiller: Vibration magnitudes and intervention development for vibration reduction. Applied Ergonomics. 43:891-901
  5. Adarsh Kumar, Gaikwad Bhaskar , J.K. Singh. 2009. Assessment of controls layout of Indian tractors. Applied Ergonomics 40:91-102
  6. Adarsh Kumar, J.K.Singh, Dinesh Mohan, Mathew Varghese. 2008. Farm hand tools injuries: A case study from Northern India. Safety Science 46: 54-65.
  7. Adarsh Kumar, Mathur N.N., Mathew Varghese, Dinesh Mohan, Singh, J.K., Punnet Mahajan. 2005. Noise Severity and Hearing impairment. A Study from Rural India. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 47(4): 341-348.
  8. Adarsh Kumar, Dinesh Mohan, Rajesh Patel, Mathew Varghese. 2002. Development of grain threshers based on ergonomic design criteria. Applied Ergonomics 33(5), 503-508.
  9. Adarsh Kumar, Mathew Varghese, Dinesh Mohan, Puneet Mahajan. 2001. Tractor Vibration Severity and Driver Health: A Study from Rural India. Journal of Argil Engineering Research 80(4), 313-328
  10. Adarsh Kumar, Mathew Varghese, Dinesh Mohan. 2000. Equipment related injuries in agriculture: an international perspective. Journal of Injury Prevention and Control 7(3), 175-186.

Patent / Technologies / Methodologies / System etc. (Upto Five) :

  1. Patent granted on 18th May 2017 for UMMB-Urea Molasses Mineral Block Machine (1988/DEL/2004)
  1. Patent granted on 13th August 2018 for ANIMAL FEED CRUSHER (1986/DEL/2004)
  1. Patent granted on 31st October 2018 for POWERED ANIMAL FEED MIXER� (1983/DEL/2004)
  1. Safety Devices for chaff cutter
  1. Manual Load carrying device

Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Upto Five) :

  1. IARI Best Teacher Award 2016
  1. Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) TEAM AWARD 2011
  1. Annual Safety Award 2003 by National Institute of Farm Safety, (NIFS) USA
  1. Dogra endowment Gold Medal for best scientific publication by a research scholar in IIT Delhi, year 2000-2001
  1. Institution of Engineers (India), Agricultural Engineering Division Gold Medal